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Old 25th March 2008, 07:44 AM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 12
Default Chinese Dao

Hi everyone
I am chinese. as I know, so called Kwan Dao means a dao used for chopping."Kwan" or "kek" is chinese pronunciation of chop, and "shuang" is chinese pronunciation of double.So when sb use "shuang" dao, it means he has two dao(usually almost the same style, material,weight).
Kwan Dao can be devided into 3 kinds roughly:
A) self-defence dao:usually no more than 1m long, one-edged blade, designed for slashing and sometimes thrusting. This kind of dao is also called "Yao" dao, means waist dao, because of the way how people carry them.
B) "Zhan Ma" dao(means horses killer dao):usually 1.5m long, one-edged blade, with a reletive long handle(about 50cm), designed mainly for the footman to slash enemy horseman's horse.
C)"Yan Yue" dao(pole weapon): usually several meters long, one-edged blade, with a reletive short heade(about 80cm), designed for strong man in battle,or honour guards to sabre-rattle. Slashing is the mail function of this kind of weapon.
Actually there are too many kinds of Dao in Chinese history, every dynasty or every state has its own style of dao or swords.
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