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Old 22nd March 2008, 02:35 PM   #24
Bill S
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by Pusaka
... the Silat guru who told me about .....
I know close to nothing about Silat or Silat gurus, but perhaps Pusaka (or anyone else) could explain a little. In Japanese traditional martial arts there are recorded histories and descriptions of the techniques and traditions, even though these written records are not always accessible to outsiders. Is this true also of Silat? Would the use of poisons be documented somewhere? Or are these oral traditions, subject to change with each generation? Are there traditional schools of Silat (such as Yagyu school of swordsmanship, Ogasawara school of archery, etc.) or does each guru start his own school?

This is diverting a little from the original thread here, but I'm doing so to get an idea of how historically documentable the sources are for use of poisons.
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