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Old 22nd March 2005, 12:10 AM   #1
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Posts: 33
Default Kopis/khopsh etc. - Egyptian swords

I have noticed that there are some misunderstanding concerning the abovementioned Egyptian sword:
1. The name: its correct form is khepesh (which means "arm" or "(bull's) foreleg"). The Egyptian language was written without vowels and today it is accepted among Egyptologists to insert "e" between consonants. There is no way to be sure how the word was actually pronounced in the antiquity.

2. The sword has been introduced to Egypt in the so-called 2nd Intermediate Period (Hyksos time), i.e. ca. 1782-1570 BC

3. There are few pieces preserved, but it is much more difficult to find any photos of them. I will try to get and to post references to photographs.

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