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Old 13th February 2008, 07:47 PM   #2
Norman McCormick
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From my name you've probably realised that if not from Scotland I'm certainly of Scots/Irish descent. I actually live in the West End of Glasgow not far, luckily for me, from Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum the place which as a child first gave me an interest in Arms and Armour. You will all also know that genuine Scottish antique arms are on the somewhat pricey side and as as result, unfortunately, I've not been able to bag a sword, dirk etc., yet !!! A number of months ago my son asked me if I had a sgian dubh he could borrow, I didn't, I had lost the last one years ago and hadn't bothered to replace it. I decided to do something I had been thinking about and make one. Whether a son was being nice to a dad or not after I gave him the sgian he asked me to make him a dirk as well. True to my roots, some would say, for both pieces I rummaged about in the garage for bits and pieces, wood from an old Victorian wardrobe, various bits of metal including a shovel handle and an angle bracket and luckily a bit from the middle of a badly damaged sword blade. The results, see photos, are not the the most decorative of pieces being plain and to the point, no pun intended, but are strong, sharp and pointy in all the right places. I don't know if this is the right place for modern pieces but I think, and hope, they conform to the spirit of Ethnographic weaponry.
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