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Old 3rd December 2007, 08:51 AM   #20
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a bit more on topic, if you prefer pocket knives, but want a scandi style, the swedish eskilstunta barrel knife is also quite nice. i've seen a number of these on ebay in different sizes and either brass or german silver barrel ends. the wood normally has quite a nice figure. they are frequently labelled as being from 1873, but that was the model number, NOT the year of mfg. which varies.

here's my 3" p. holmberg with german silver ends, showing how it works...

or if you want to blend in with the bowie crowd, here's another scandi user, a swedish scout knife in laminated steel. children are generally given knives with guards until they become proficient enough to not need one. a rite of passage is when they are given their first guardless knife.

Last edited by kronckew; 3rd December 2007 at 09:19 AM.
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