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Old 3rd August 2007, 10:53 PM   #34
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lol, those secret individuals wouldn't be so much of a secret have they still have the means to answer me directly in this forum, but i believe they were banned for good? i could be wrong tho... in regards to the "privileged occult information", i was under the impression that zelbone's step by step advice on what to do was pretty much cut and dry. or was it the fact that a lot of native terms were being used? can't be that: keris forum uses a lot of vernacular terms.

david, you asked me:

"Why do you think that is? What does it tell you about the nature of magic?"

there's a couple ways I can answer these questions. one would be to just touch upon the shallow level and take it as rethorical questions with an ever slight hint of my ignorant medieval eastern belief and now i'm being enlightened by a bright western mind, which is one level of your question, or i can take it a little deeper and pretend those are legitimate questions. for the sake of some friendly banter, lemme try and answer them.

on the first one, you asked me "why do you think that is?" well, let me present to you this example: here in the western world, a person that has psychological problems either go to a psychiatrist or a psychologist. or you got a bad back, so you go see a chiropractor. now why do you think that is?

onto the next question, you asked me; " what does that tell you about the nature of magic?" dave, it tells me that if i know just the tip of it's nature, i won't be here yakking; rather, i'd be somewhere standing in line for some mega million lotto....

btw, what happen to my avatar?
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