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Old 23rd July 2007, 11:06 PM   #3
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,236

Hello Flavio,

That one wasn't cheap.

I have etched the blade but there is something strange: the area near the gangya shows a clear lamination, but the rest of the blade is black!!! Anyway, even if the pictures are quite bad, you can see a nice lamination. Maybe this is due to many and many deep polishings of the blade that have removed the "superficial" steel, and so the original lamination that is something like you see near the ganya????
I suspect you may have a real winner here... Could you please email larger close-ups of the blade?

The original sandwich construction is certainly still intact: I do see blurry laminations towards the tip of the blade. I think you're just in for some more rounds of polishing and etching to get a very pleasing result - go for it!

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