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Old 18th July 2007, 02:41 AM   #182
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 8

Originally Posted by PenangsangII
Dear Mr Rahman & Hana,

About that thread in kampungnet, don't worry, it's all in the past. No hard feeling .

Actually, me & Sepokal were continuously attacked by a few forumites before we eventually had to defend ourselves and retaliated. I cant provide the link here as the thread was dumped into the rubbish bin, but if I remember correctly, I was accused of being the follower of paganism / jahiliyyah, Hinduistic, unislamic, a complete idiot and so on. Like David said, respecting other people's personal belief by giving arguments academically and without attacking other people's personality is the key of ethics in a forum. The one thing internet communication is, it's world wide, world without border. There is no way that a forum on internet should be targeted to certain types of people only, otherwise I would have told them that they had no business being in the sub-forum "keris collecting" as they had no respect to the keris.

Enough has been said, lets continue with the topic.
Dear Penangsang, it is rather sad to know such thing exist but that is how it is. As a Muslim, dua kalimah syahadah is essential in our life. Putting things where they belong is Justice or in Malay we call it Adil (Meletakkan sesuatu di tempatnya). Zalim is when you do not put things to where they belongs. Hence, as a Muslim, Awalluddin Makrifatullah, is very important. The foremost in religion, is knowing Allah swt. Everything in this world is "makhluk". Respecting it in due respect is important. Why? Because we are all His creation. Respecting must come from understanding and knowing what you are respecting...another word, knowledge. When people starts to talk about mystical thing, please remember, Awalludin Makrifatullah. Now, as a Muslim, the knowledge came to us through our dearest and most loved Prophet, Rasulullah saaw. Hence, putting him at a place where he should not be, is Zalim and that itself, requires us as a Muslim to correct those who don't know, to know and gain knowledge, be it Muslim or non Muslim. Not doing this, is considered zalim. Rasulullah must never be misplaced. Even when discussing keris and mysticism, (especially that of Malay keris), Islam can never be separated from it.

Nevertheless, I've come a long way threading this path and a few hiccups will not stop me going. Believe it or not, I've met people who claimed that Malaikat bernafsu, hence, right now, it seems that nothing can surprise me anymore....especially when that experience where Rasulullah is not up to par to gain the knowledge of kashaf!!!

There is this story though, told to me by a pandai keris (in Malaysia). Regarding a fight between two warriors, one of that of Malay (maybe Patani) and another of Javanese. Both fight their very best, and they realise that both of them, can't harm each other with their keris due to both of them are Kebal. Hence, this Malay hulubalang set a standard where he told his nemesis, that if they were to continue fighting, it should be that both of them, should fight naked. The Javanese warrior doesn't want to do that, simply because, his kebal is due to him wearing an azimat, while the kebal of the Malay hulubalang is that of amalan. I know this might be wrongly interpreted by some forumers, especially that of Javenese origin. This story is not about who is stronger than who. My point is, the best of keris (to me), is that of amalan, not of "dampingan".... Hence, for Malays, keris must never be separated from amalan and religion and foremost for Malay's Keris is knowing that it is a weapon, not an artistic expression and being a weapon, it's job is to kill when requested to. Not doing that, is considered Zalim (tidak meletakkan sesuatu di tempatnya). Hence, Malay keris that is considered lucky are those that protects it's owner's life when in danger. That luck comes from a certain part of the Malay Keris which is very much attached to Islam. Many a name given to parts of the Malay keris is with knowledge of understanding the need of a weapon that does not stray away from Islam
Cracks for Malay Keris on certain location symbolises the amalan that was fused into the keris until the metal decided to show in term of "isyarat" through cracks.

Nevertheless, dampingan is not wrong to me (depending on certain conditions). Simply because, when we were born, we were born not alone (for those who knows) and Allah swt does not do things without good reasons.

Allah Hafiz
sepokal toh putih.
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