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Old 23rd June 2007, 02:48 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by ganjawulung
Yes, every keris lover usually has "spiritual experience" on kerises. But usually it is more useful to me, and maybe not for other people. Everyone, has different experience. I don't even want to differ, whether this keris is a "tourist keris" or a "spiritual keris". Actually, keris is a personal thing. What is not personal, is "non-spiritual" aspect.

I knew a very good "dalang" (puppet leather player?), Ki Timbul Hadiprayitno from Yogyakarta. He showed me someday in his house, his very favorite keris. "Spiritual keris" for him, that gave him "strength" when he plays the puppets in front of the people for the whole night long... And it was really "a tourist keris" quality, and I believe was made in Madura, if you regard the "naga" relief. Is it the only keris he has? Of course not. He has even much much better kerises. But still, he always wear that "tourist keris" while he "ndalang" (playing puppets in front of public).

He just told me, that the keris was given by a very ordinary man, a very simple man in one evening. And Ki Timbul always wear this "tourist keris" quality of Nagasasra everytime he plays the puppet. And not wearing the better kerises he has. Why? Just ask Mr Timbul in Bantul, Yogyakarta..

Ganja, i find so much truth in these words. Magick and spiritual intent is indeed a very personal affair and power can be embued into a keris (or any object) at many places along it's life by many different people. It doesn't necessarily need to originate with the empu who made the keris. I believe that in the right hands a contempory (or even a "tourist" keris) can become a very powerful spiritual tool. I believe this because essentially the "true" power resides within the practioner. This is not to say that some keris do not carry a power of their own, but i can't see that power being of much use if one is unable to access the power within themselves.
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