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Old 21st June 2007, 09:56 AM   #87
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Posts: 401

Thanks David, that makes me feel a lot safer.

Yes, I guess you are right, my bad choice of word - it should scientist, though not scientist per se. I just don't know the right word. Anyway, if you happen to meet John & Tom, please send my regards, and of course my apology

Sometimes I cannot understand those folks who claimed that they were also collecting keris. Being a traditional weapon that keris is, I believe, it should be treated in a traditional manner although I dont have the slightest apprehension to those who treated keris in a more modern way.

I hope the more knowledgable members can contribute on this "nayuh" subject as I believe I still have a long way to go before reaching Alan, Pak Ganja, Pangeran Datu, Raden Usman's standard and the list goes on.
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