Thread: First Keris
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Old 17th June 2007, 06:46 AM   #33
PenangsangII's Avatar
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Default Majapahit revisited

Dear Pak Ganjawulung,

So, the great Prabhu Hayam Wuruk was not a direct decendant of Kertarajasa Jayawardana?

Another thing, there was a conspiracy theory to oust Prabhu Jayanegara - it was said that Ra Tanca (the palace doctor) was coerced by Patih Gajah Mada & Tribhuwana Tunggadewi to poison the young king who was planning to marry all three of his half sisters. Ra Tanca went along with the plan because of grudges on Jayanegara for stealing his wife and destroying his good friend who had rebelled against Majapahit - Ra Kuti. Coincidently, Patih Gajah Mada was the one who had reinstated Jayanegara by crushing the rebellion.

Pak Ganja and all, I would like to add one question, during this turmoil period, what kind (pakem?) of keris used by the courtiers? From what I saw in the movies, the actors were using keris resembling modern Surakarta pieces . My guess is, should'nt it be keris lurus Jalak Sangu Tumpeng made famous by Arya Hanggareksa?
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