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Old 14th June 2007, 03:34 AM   #79
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Hana, the possibility that the spirit is hungry is also "unfinished business" that literally means you have not fed him accordingly and periodically. I think you also understand when somebody come into contact with his/her dead ancestors thru dreams, it's sign that the ancestors are "hungry", hence special prayers (tahlil) is conducted by the immediate family members. I believe that treating the "the hungry khadam" also works in this principle though the way / ritual is different.

However, since you have indicated that you know about your "unfinished business" after some soul searching, my "hungry khadam" analogy is no longer relevant .

Regarding the silent teacher/s, perhaps you should learn how to approach them without making it so obvious that you need to ask something. These teachers are analyzing you before teaching you anything as heavy as spiritual being subject for obvious reasons....

Mr Sepokal....if you are reading this, pls help.
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