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Old 9th June 2007, 03:27 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by ganjawulung
About "showing the private collection to public", in my opinion, it is not a general rule. But personal rule. I know, there is a good habitude in the past in Java of "sinengker" (keep it secret) tradition. And knowledge on keris in the past is a "kawruh sinengker" (not for public knowledge, but only for certain rank of people)...

But I learned also from the openess of Mr Sumodiningrat (in Jasper and Mas Pirngadie's book, 1912). That due to the benevolent of Mr Sumodiningrat, we could know now the kind of "extraordinary" dhapur such as "carang candala tinanding" or tjarang tjandala tinanding -- kind of karno tinanding with kembang kacang in both sides of the gandhik, but with luk like "megantoro" (combination of luk in the bottom, and straight in the point). Mr Sumodiningrat let his private collection to be published in public "for the shake of the knowledge of keris". It can be interpreted as "for the shake of the conservation of keris knowledge", Mr Sumodiningrat let his private collection to be seen by public. Also the private collection that had shown in Mr Tammens' book (De Kris).. I don't think it is a matter of "exhibitionist" attitude.
My dear Ganja, i see nowhere in Mr. Maisey's writing where he infers that there is any general rule about showing ones private collection. He simply doesn't agree with the practice and has made a personal choice not to do so. The word "exhibitionist" which you have put in quotes most often is seen in a negative light. Alan's statement was that he "is not holding and exhibition of my (his) collection", so your use of "exhibitionist" in quotations is somewhat misleading. It is not what Alan actually said and your changing of the word implies a different meaning then was originally intended. Again, i realize there are language barriers to overcome here, but i believe it is very important that we do not misrepresent another's comments in order to build our arguments.
I am personally basically of the same school of thought as Alan when it comes to the internet presentation of my personal keris collection. I follow this practice for many reasons, some the same and some perhaps different than Alan's, however, none of my personal reasons involve secrecy. I am all in favor of complete openness and exchange of information of keris knowledge. But i also insist on being able to choose who i show my keris to at any given time. I am afraid that the internet, does not afford me this protection. Also some of my keris serve deeply personal spiritual functions in my ritual life. These keris i do not usually show to anyone, even to friends in person.
I am, however, eternally grateful that so many of you are willing to share your fabulous collections with us on this and other forums and galleries. I agree that viewing these keris is vitally important to the study and understanding of the keris. I consider your decisions to so publically share your collections with us both daring and brave. I would never personally call anyone so willing an "exhibitionist", nor suggest that they are in some way "wrong" for choosing to show their keris in this public forum. We need to all respect each other's personal choice in this matter.
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