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Old 27th May 2007, 12:15 AM   #19
Pangeran Datu
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by Raden Usman Djogja
Pangeran datu,

I also have a tombak where there is an inscription in its methuk. Perhaps, I will upload it. Is it better if I upload it by opening new thread "Inscription in wesi aji"? So, we can focus this thread on Kalawija.


Hello Rd. U. Djogja,

I have no problem with that. However, I would wait a bit first, to see what level of response is generated before opening a new thread. Besides, there is already a thread about keris+spirit.
IMVHO, paranormal aspects of an object should be classified in the same category. In my experience, most inscriptions on genuine articles (not tourist white elephants) are designed to evoke/invoke/maintain some paranormal energy/activity.
Anyway, if the situation becomes such that it requires a separate thread, I'm sure our kind and generous Moderators will gladly oblige by transferring everything to a new one.
For the time being, perhaps we can prevail upon Ganjawulung's kindness and get him to edit the title of his original post, changing it to: The Kalawija/Palawija.

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