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Old 25th May 2007, 05:49 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Raden Usman Djogja

Someone said to me that he looked for kerises everywhere and everytime. Till someday, he got a "special" keris. After that, it seemed that kerises looking for him. Without any hard efforts, people came to him to offer kerises. Do you have a similiar experience?

Maybe Raden,
At least, it was formerly owned by the kerabat (family) of Hamengku Buwono (HB) VII and VIII. (Grand-grand father of the father's owner was HB VII and the Grand-grand father of the mother's owner was HB VIII).

From the style of the sheath, you may see that it comes from "wanda" (special style) of Hamengku Buwanan, not Amangkuratan (older ruler of Mataram). The wood grain also one of the best wood-motive, highest rated motive in Yogyakarta Tradition (in Solo, the more favorite is cendana wood or the sandal wood). It called "ngingrim" motive, from the favorite wood of "timoho" (Kleinhovia hospita). The ukiran (handle) also from the favorite wood, called "tayuman" (kind of bush wood, Cassia laevigata Wild).

People in Yogyakarta, they generally appreciated the special motives of timoho wood. Even they named the timoho motives, as motives in pamor. "Ngingrim" is the best motive of timoho, besiden "sembur" (many round motives like tiger's fur). They called the motives in timoho wood as "pelet". So, pelet really is the name of pamor in timoho wood.

I have special experience of owning such good keris. Actually there was someone (a rich collector) who had wanted to "nglamar" (buy) that keris three times higher, but the owner preferred to me. He said, "If I give this keris to him (the collector), I won't see it anymore. But if it is yours, I still can see it in the future...," So I got the keris with a very unreasonable low price...
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