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Old 24th April 2007, 04:25 AM   #13
A. G. Maisey
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 6,762

No, not dangdut.

During my youth a weekend danceband trumpet player, and then later a flautist, but never dangdut.

Dangdut has a certain novelty value, and maybe the first 3000 times you hear dangdut it might appeal---marginally. But I suspect that it has been specifically formulated to kill brain cells. Lots of empirical evidence for this.

As to who I am. That probably depends upon who the other person is. To some people, I'm their worst nightmare come true, to others I'm Gentle Ben.Totally situational Brekele.In any case, no offence taken; you can address me as Alan if you wish, or Maisey, if you wish, but in my social circle, address by the family name without title is usually reserved for people who have known one another for a very extended period of time, or professionally.
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