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Old 8th April 2007, 07:40 PM   #134
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Sorry Ariel, but you greatly misinterpret the intention of my remarks. This was not at all a commentary on the lifestyle having anything to do with the fighting abilities of the Greeks or anyone else for that matter. I was merely mocking the story for being so homophobic as to leave out this very well know aspect of that culture. Likewise with the film Alexander strongly down played this side of his life. My point is that if you are going to do historic films, even in comic book form, why leave out these aspects of the culture. They might have actually added some depths to the otherwise 2 dimensional characters of 300.
In my second remark i was merely stating the obvious to help support why i felt nudity was common in sports, though not in warfare. Again there was no slight of masculinity implied. I see nothing unmasculine about homosexuality. In fact, i would think that it would have to be quite the opposite, masculinity pushed to it's extreme.
As for "sin" in don't know the half of it my friend.
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