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Old 6th April 2007, 08:13 PM   #8
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Default a couple coincidences

At this moment i am in Lisbon, visiting my daughter.
I have been, as usual, at Daehnhardt's shop. Besides having bought a ( aledgely ) Portuguese XVIII century plug bayonet, which might in fact be from Azores, as its grip is composed with what looks to be whale bone, i have acquired a catalogue of an auction that took place in 1989, because it contains various pictures of ( really ) Portuguese weapons. The amazing thing is that it had for sale the sword that appears in the first picture of above mentioned Antonio's page, which means that Rainer Daeehnhardt must have bought this sword at such auction ... can you beleive it ?
In the catalogue text they confirm that only five of these swords are known to exist. There seems to be one more in Spain, which is item nr. 59 of Institute Valencia y Don Juan, in Madrid. A fourth one was found recently ( from the catalogue's date ) between the walls of a Portuguese Palace, and now kept in Daehnhardt's collection. This would mean that he now keeps the two existing specimens in Portugal. Eventually and still according to the text, this sword, found in a tomb in a Portuguese convent, has the blade broken and the tip missing but, due to its historical value, nobody had yet dared to restore it. It happens that i have arranged with the shop keeper to meet Rainer himself tomorrow, in his other Cascais shop, to ask him for some details on the plug bayonet. I will then ask him to coment on his probable acquisition of the sword at the auction, and if has decided to restore it.
Marc, what do you mean by lousy photocopies ? Are you referring to the pictures contained in his book Homens Espadas e Tomates ? Can i help you with some scanning ? Also this book is vailable and not expensive.
I can also scan the picture of the sword in the auction catalogue, which has a reasonable quality. Also there was another copy of the catalogue left in the shop; it costs 20 euros. If ever i can help in any way, just tell, as also Philip.
BTW, the correct term applied by the discoveries soldiers was espada "colhona", an humoristic made up derivation of the vernacular term "colhão" ... actually with a more vernacular charge in Portugal than in Spain, i would say

Last edited by fernando; 6th April 2007 at 09:12 PM.
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