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Old 6th April 2007, 06:52 PM   #25
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Thanks for your response Pusaka.
Yes, it would be the practioners knowledge of the jinn (or any spirit) that would give one power over it, but what do you mean exactly when you say that the jinn controls the keris? In what way? Apart from the owners will?
Certainly there are and have been "evil" people, and they may have used their keris in "evil" ways, both physically and magickally, but i am still not convinced that there are intrinsicly "evil" keris that can or will commit "evil" acts outside of the control of their "evil" masters. This isn't to say that residual energies don't remain in objects weilded by powerful people, but in my paradigm these energies are controllable.
Rick, could you come over...i lost some safty pins behind the seat cushions on my couch...
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