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Old 11th March 2007, 08:33 PM   #39
Pangeran Datu
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 79

Originally Posted by Alam Shah
Maybe you would like to recheck your Kamus Bahasa Indonesia (dictionary) or other references. I would like to know where you based your translation on? Perhaps an etymologist well-versed in Bahasa Indonesia could assist...

For me, I was basing on Bambang Harsrinuksmo's - Ensiklopedi Keris (Pg:200) and cross-referenced it with Haryono Haryoguritno's - Keris Jawa - antara Mistik dan Nalar (Pg:183). Their exact meaning in Bahasa Indonesia (in these two books) are, "Jalak Ngoceh = burung jalak yang berkicau". "Berkicau" translated to English would be "scattering". Unless both of them and myself are mistaken?

Hi Alam Shah,

Yes, I agree with you: ngoceh = berkicau .... when specifically applied to things like birds. Generically, it is the equivalent of the English 'yakking' or 'chin-wagging'. BTW... berkicau = chirp(ing)
I stand by what I said. As to what I based my statement on: I have studied Bahasa in indo and (pardon me for blowing my own trumpet, but since you did ask) can trade grammar and colloquialism with the best of them. So I rarely need a 'kamus'.
BTW... in my understanding Jalak Ngoceh doesn't have a 'tikel alis'. Maybe you, or someone else, can clarify this.

Best regards.
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