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Old 28th February 2007, 05:25 PM   #11
Barrett Hiebert
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 21


Okay, here I am Mr. McDougall. Sorry for the wait:

Thank you for the very detailed response! and I'm glad that some of the material proved useful. It sounds like you already have a pretty good approach toward your ajenda for learning more on early Romanian culture and arms. Actually I have always found the history of Eastern Europe mysterious and entirely intriguing, though I cannot claim any specific knowledge, only very general. I think that it is outstanding that you are maintaining such responsible approach in your research and quest for accuracy in your studies. It seems that many are caught up in romanticism and fantasy and fail to really reach historical accuracy in thier efforts to reproduce the original weaponry, fashion and proper use of arms.
Thankyou very much for the comments. I will definately take them to heart. As I have already said, I wish to be historically as possible. I personally think this would honour my ancestor's, but they most likely think me, or any of us doing research, historically re-enactment, that wer'e very peculiar and odd. For right now, I have to expand my horizons, broaden my interest, then really go and research, and learn all about and try to re-enact to the best of my abilities my chosen road.

Acquiring authentic antiques from these regions is especially difficult as there is indeed an incredible volume of 'misrepresented' items out there, and anything authentic will be unbelievably expensive. You will be wise to visit or contact museums for information on thier holdings, and often they will of course have published catalogs of thier weapons. I think Wolviex here on this forum may have some excellent resources pertaining to weaponry from these regions. It would seem that Radu has disappeared, and we haven't heard from him much lately..but of course he would have great resources.
Yes, I should very well do that, but I may need some help in "wording" such contacts with museums, as I think it wise to be direct and ask such questions in a polite, thoughtful manner.

I will definately check on Wolviex to see if he has any interesting information that could pertain to the areas that I refer to. Thanks, .

Yes, I need to talk to Radu, haha! He would be excellent, but he seemed to have disappear the last time I posted on this forum?

So, thanks for the perceptible information contacts, haha!

"Archaeology" magazine is published by :
Also, thanks for the link to the "Archaeology" magazine.

I would ask if you might obtain any articles or back issues on your topic from them. It really is an outstanding magazine and would likely have information on excavations in the areas you are studying. Computer searches online, as you already are well aware, provide amazing resources.
Definately, I would do that for you, and if allowed, I would love to "dispel" the information on the forum here. I have heard of it's reputation, but I have never had the excellent chance of reading it, sadly. Though, in the area of computer searches, I still have yet to do an indepth scour of the internet, I have checked on google, but you get alot of rubbish, believe it or not.

A very interesting softback book is "The Bronze Age in Europe" by Jean-Pierre Mohen and Christiane Eluere, in the 'Discoveries' series published by Abrams in N.Y. While clearly an overview, this book provides a colorful array of illustrations of costume and especially weapons etc. from many regions that were certainly close in sphere to Romania. There is one illustration of a wagon from a Romanian excavation. This is easily obtained on line and of course inexpensive, being more of pocketbook size, still fascinating though!
Yes, it is an excellent beginner book, and awesome to give a general look, knowledge of the Bronze Age to the starter-outer. I know so, because I have read it! Haha! It was a few of the books first recommended to me through Bronze Age Center to read to get my feet wet, so to say!

I actually have a link on the internet on my computer at home dealing with the Bronze Age, but I don't read french, does anyone on this forum at all knows french???

We'll talk more OK,
Yep, for sure, look forward to it! Cheers!

Best regards,

Barrett Michael Hiebert
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