Thread: Aceh swords
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Old 10th January 2007, 01:23 PM   #10
Join Date: Dec 2004
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Originally Posted by VVV

On the hilts of the Peudeueng/Pedang Aceh there is an additional fifth, quite rare, variation - Ulu Tapa Guda (hoorse hoof).
It's not pictured in van Zonneveld so I have enclosed an example below.
This variation of Peudeueng is found at the East coast of Aceh.

In the Leiden picture archive you can find it at collection number 1599-46 (commented in the catalogue) and 3600-4418.
As Fischer comments in the note of the Aceh Catalogue the resemblence to what usually is associated with a horse hoof hilt isn't obvious.
But I have noticed a parallel in the floral variation of the Tapak Kuda hilts of the Keris Panjang (enclosed an example).


Thank you, the hulu tapa guda is in von Zonneveld, though not in the exact form you show here ( pg 55 ) You are right it does not show it on a Peudeung, I did not include it on there as I also had never encountered one or heard of one on a peudeung before; mostly seeing them on Tjo Jang ( Co Jang ), Ladieng and some klewang myself. So I am very excited about finding this out and will add this to the hilt types. There is so much to learn about these swords.

Has anyone ever seen a Hulu Cangge Gliwang on a Peudeung ? I also did not include that one as I had not seen it used on these swords.

Originally Posted by asomotif
Does anyone know this type of hilt ?

It is either a Sikin Panjang or a Luju Alang.
But with a type of Hilt I have not seen before.

Sadly it is not my own collection but for sale at a local trader.
In case of any interest to purchase this from overseas I can negotiate.

Best regards,

The Luju Ajang would be shorter than a panjang wouldn't it ? That hilt curves like a Hulu Iku Mie but does not have the knob. I am sorry I do not know an exact name for it. It is interesting how many swords from this region have hilts that turn at 90 or near 90 degrees at the end of the hilt.

Last edited by RhysMichael; 10th January 2007 at 01:37 PM.
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