Thread: nationalism
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Old 7th January 2007, 10:58 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by LabanTayo
to fully understand the the weapons we collect, we have to learn about the people who used them, the way they used them, and against whom they used them.
if we believe gen. wood and his report, the moros used the barong and kris as a projectile weapon.
thats news to me and i tried it out on one of my ivory kris's. i tried to kill a defensless rabbit with it. i threw the sword too hard, overshot my target, and the rabbit came up and bit my toe.
i went back in the house and told my wife i got in a horrible fight with a carrot weilding rabbit and stubbed my toe, hence the bloody cut.
as far as she's concerned, i told her the truth.
but the truth is that i thought what gen. wood said was true and tried it myself and failed.
so, in collecting philippine swords, i had to read the history books and got bit.

there, i tied it to a weapons related subject.
You are the second person in the American history attacked by a rabbit: the first one was ex-President Jimmy Carter.
An epidemics in the making....
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