Thread: nationalism
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Old 7th January 2007, 07:35 PM   #10
LabanTayo's Avatar
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Moderators: Please take note that I am not trying to rock the boat. The following post is just another view and opinion of one person, or one nation.

Nationalism is taking pride in the fact that your peoples history is properly documented.

Ask the Native Americans if their history has been properly described and documented by the intruders of their land. They have been described as savages, and worse, in history books and in the movies. All they were doing was fighting to keep their land, but get labeled as an enemy.

The same can be said about the Filipinos and the Moros. I keep them seperated, because they are seperate. The Filipinos fought to keep their land, but gave in to the Spanish. The Moros fought to feep their land, but never gave in to the Spanish. There were a seperate entity throughout the Spanish rule. They followed the Sultan of Sulu, not some King half a world away.
The history the Spanish wrote about the Philippines is half truth. Pigafetta was a historian with a penchant of over exagerrating events.
Lapu-Lapu had more then 1500 men fighting Magellan's 49 men???? And thats why they lost??? It sounds better to report back to the King that you were outnumbered so greatly as for the reason of your lose.
The fact that all these native leaders easily and graciously accepted Chrisianity is another headscratcher. Why else would these rulers convert? Consider the Spanish attitude left over from the Inquisition days.
Convert or die.

The Moros always fought the Spanish and whoever else that tried to take their land. When the Americans "won" the Philippines after the Spanish-American War, they told the Moros that we own you now. How would you like to be told that you are owned by someone you have never heard of? Especially since the Spanish never owned the Moros in the first place?

Here is an article that is very interesting:

The Moros were described as savages and bandits. Why? Because they were resisting American Imperialism and defending their land, just like the Native Americans.

The following quote is from that article. It describes Gen. Woods reason for killing the Moro women and children after the American press chastised the military and Gen. Wood for the "massacre".

"I was present throughout practically entire action and inspected top of crater after action was finished. Am convinced no man, woman, or child was wantonly killed. A considerable number of women and children were killed in the fight -- number unknown, for the reason that they were actually in the works when assaulted, and were unavoidably killed in the fierce hand-to-hand fighting which took place in the narrow enclosed spaces. Moro women wore trousers and were dressed and armed much like the men and charged with them. The children were in many cases used by the men as shields while charging troops."

Are we willing to accept his excuse for killing the women and children because he was on the verge of being repremanded by the military and did not want to look like a heartless coward to his peers and family?

In conclusion, getting the dates and facts straight of your history is very important for future readers and generations that will be using your work for reference.

So, on July 4th this year, lets remember those intruders that valiantly fought British Imperialism, so they too can be Imperialists themselves and put all those savages in reservations.

(FYI: I am American born and am very proud to be American. I am in no way demeaning this great country we live in, I just want the written history of my ancestors to be correct)
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