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Old 20th October 2006, 04:26 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Spunjer
i think you nailed this right on the head, tim. i must admit that when i first started collecting, i was going thru phases:

phase 1- i see a sword on ebay

pahse 2- i bid on it, so subconsciously or conciously, i feel like it's mine already

phase 3- i think about it for days, even counting down when the bid is gonna be up.

phase 4- in the final minutes, if i'm home, the F5 button (refresh) in my pc becomes my friend

phase 6- i win the sword. it's a rush!

phase 7- now it's the waiting game until i get it. this is the longest week ever.

phase 8- mailman comes. it's christmas! i literally rip the package. i dote on it for a day or two.

phase 9- then i wrap it up in a towel and store it.

phase 10- back to ebay.


I am a lot like you SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!

I also like Tim try and find the bargains but now and then I will spring for the big buck item If you guys ever visit you will be able to peg my house easily
it's the one with all the swords bulging out the front window . So many weapons to collect and no more space to store them

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