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Old 18th October 2006, 11:35 PM   #9
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Hi it is hard to say mostly how old some thing is it don t have to be restained
or recolored it depends mostly is it taken early out of the Hands something
can be made in 1880 and taken in 1882 it has not much use on it but is still from 1880

take a look at the pics I enclosed

first one we see a pic a lot of not old mandau s are look like this one
but closer look this is high quality
This was an gift from the sultan off Kutai to the queen Emma from the Netherlands in 1897

Don t look old if you see the pic

The Rattan shield no patina on it but is a gift from paku Buwono X to our queen Wilhelmina in 1898

So if you have to pay a lot it is with old objects that are expensive better have the provonance and maybe dated papers than the just stories from the sellers or tribal art dealers (like it comes from this collection it has so long in the country and this can be verified by people not on what poeple think my expirience is that there a lot people putting less to medium stuff on the market and telling it is the best just to make money and turn stuff down from other people it is sad that this happend )
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