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Old 28th August 2006, 12:01 PM   #7
son of oaf
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Newcastle, UK
Posts: 15


i'll get some photos sorted asap.
The aluminium blades give us a chance to train the techniques and try stuff out with something that will at least be the same shape as a traditional weapon (if not the right weight, balance etc).
although elements of what we do is stick based, there are also other aspects that are "from the blade" and this gives us an opportunity to have a play and learn a bit more.

The other interesting thing is that because many of these are custom jobs for individuals there are a lot of strange variations appearing.
preferences in terms of grip, size of blade etc as well as bizarre custom requests have led to a few crazy hybrids.

i know one guy who has even replaced a barong handle with a custom knuckle duster!

i'm sure for some that's practically blasphemy!
but it's interesting to see a continuing evolution y'know? people are still trying stuff and seeing what happens. for me that's pretty exciting.

personally, for me the really cool thing is that we can try drills etc with a variety of weapons. double barong vs. kampilan. staff and shield. whip and dagger. bolo vs. barong etc.

i'd love to get to train with axes, panabas, some different types of shields. and i'm positive there is so much more out there i've probably never even heard of!

if anyone was interested in seeing a training version of a weapon in their collection, i'm sure my buddy would be interested in making some testers (with the help of reference images and sizes).
we could even take some training photos and let you know how we got on.
it could be lots of fun.

in the meantime, i'll take some photos and get back to you.

thanks for your time guys..

all the best
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