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Old 10th August 2006, 08:31 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,712
Default A rather special kukri.{IMHO}

Well I recieved this kukri from fellow forumite John Powell this week & thought I would share it with you guys .

Although its not all fancy damascus & gold, personaly I have always thought of it as the perfect kukri, & the pinnacle of his collection for lines & overal quality.

And I know John belives its of a quality equal to any bladed weapon of any type hes ever seen.

upon opening the box, I could instanly see & feel why he was of that opinion..

It was one of the kukris dearest & nearest to his heart so I am greatfull that when the he felt it was the time to pass it on he wanted me to have it. {for the suitable recompense of course.} Its good for both of us, for me to have a suitable piece from "The Powell collection." {especialy this one.}

After studing it it for many hours over the past 2 days including 9x lens examination of every piece of workmanship on it I have to say I can only say it is perfection in steel.

Its clearly English made, I would think most likely in London by a gunsmith/cutler .

It reminds me of the best Holland & Holland or Purdy type work.

It is well balanced & moves very well, the grip would be tough for treefelling but provides excelent grip if involved one was involved in wetter work.

It rings like a bell over the majority of the blade.

If civilisation collasped tommorow & I had to go venturing with just one kukri on my belt, this would have to be it.

Anyway heres a few of my snaps & a few of Johns photographs, which between them might show at least a small part of its beuty.

I am very proud to have this peace from the Powell collection.

Respect to John indeed.

I realise it wont be to evryones taste, but I am truly over the moon with it.

All comments, thoughts, questians & critisicms welcome.


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