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Old 7th August 2006, 02:45 AM   #19
Vikingsword Staff
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Hi Willie ,
Thanks for spelling it out for me .
I take no offense at what you have said; I have no reason to .
As a matter of fact I agree with you on many points that you have made .
I just feel better if we speak plainly here; I'm not much of one to pick up on subtle innuendos; call me dense if you will but I prefer it when people speak plainly and openly.

Personally speaking I have all the Moro pieces I will ever collect; two budiak two kampilan, two barung and 5 krisses . I would love to see these pieces go back to the Bangsamoro after I pass ; I would really appreciate it if they went to further the study of the history of the Moro peoples; but how to effectively achieve that is my question.
Perhaps you can offer an answer.

My family is tied to Moro history; my last name is Bates .

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