Thread: Solo Keris
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Old 1st August 2006, 02:06 AM   #1
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David, your keris is indeed very elegant. I was a fraction of a key click away from ordering that one myself, but opted for two others in that particular catalog instead. I have always loved the simplistic beauty of this particular dapor and the way the blade widens as it nears the tip. I think you made a fine choice in this very well made modern piece.
Mudi, i as well am very curious just who it is that you believe qualifies in this modern day to carry the title of Empu. Could you perhaps give us a name or two?
I also tend to agree with BluErf that the keris you posted from your father is an older Bugis (from Sulawesi) blade dressed in very recent clothes that were most probably made in Bali (albeit in a Sulawesi style). By your own standards of classification that would mean this is not a Bugis keris at all. Maybe it is Balinese then. As BluErf implies, this is much the same kind of keris dress that has been offered for sale by Majabali a.k.a. Majapahit 1 in the past. Perhaps you father bought this keris from him? However, i believe that even you own standard was misapplied to drdavid's keris as apparently you were incorrect about the origins of the dress in his case.
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