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Old 4th May 2024, 05:30 PM   #2
Keris forum moderator
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Well, i'd say this cracked blade does. LOL!
Many people would consider this crack to be "complong" and consider this blade to have an added power. To quote fellow member Alan Maisey "A combong occurs in the actual body of the keris, normally where a weld joint has not come together, usually this is accidental, but the really highly valued combong is the one that has been intentionally made for talismanic effect."
This looks to be more an accidental than intentional crack in a weld joint, but that would not stop many from holding this keris in higher regard because of it. The idea is that if one looks through the space in the blade that they can obtain what is is they view through it. This is often applied in the case of love.
The keris itself is Madurese. It seems to have been prepared to receive kinatah (gold decorations) though i don't see any evidence that the gold was ever applied. It seems to have something written in relief at the base of the blade. Perhaps someone else can provide a more accurate translation than i can, as well as the writing carved in the gandar on the sheath. Most probably passages from the Qur'an. Doesn't seem extremely old, but not new either (though my eyes are sometimes fooled by artificial aging). Really nicely carved hilt that seems to fall somewhere between tumenggunan and donoriko. As for collectable, i would welcome into my collection.
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