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Old 12th April 2024, 07:26 PM   #14
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 253

Originally Posted by fernando View Post
I am completely devastated by Midelburgo's input. So much convinced i was that the NO ME SAQUES moto often appeared in Spanish blades; not only shown in blade illustrations but also in all kinds of articles and blogs out there.
Surprising also that the Toledo symbol (To) was also used to be faked.

Nice. I said Toledo never made the motto. I see I was wrong and thank you for sparing me the search.

Maybe, until a piece appears I will say it stands for military pieces.

About the Halbachs. I think I have told before there is at Simancas Archive an advertise-bundle sent to the king of Spain in 1775 of several blades with etchings in real size cardboard. I have been finding those swords later in real steel. Those are the "halbachs".

Lets se if I find it... they are somewhere.
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