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Old 21st February 2024, 12:18 AM   #26
Join Date: Sep 2023
Posts: 45

The first image is a French Revex "Billhook", I use the term Billhook loosely because this french pattern can be as near the shape of a Cleaver as a Billhook as can be seen in the second image (not my hooks...). But are common in France.

The third & forth images are Spanish, these are debatable going towards sickles & long handled slashers.... thought the big pair are heavy, definitely not sickles.

Fifth & six images are of a cutter that isn't a Billhook but I'm putting it here in the faint hope someone might recognise it!
Found in Spain & stamped CARRASCO HERMANOS I've tried in vain for years to identify it, I even found an old "Carrasco brothers blacksmiths" company still in business & thought I'd solved it till after them asking all the old workers about it they told me they didn't make it..... AHH...
A harvesting tool, sharp on the edge that looks like an axe and the tip of the long chisel part, the sides of this were not sharp.
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