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Old 20th February 2024, 03:42 AM   #34
Peter Hudson
Join Date: Jul 2020
Posts: 312
Default The Cultural factor of common spoken arabic in the Indian Ocean.

Many thanks for your input on the Indian Ocean and the part played by Portugal. When comparing the trade situation I think it fair that Portuguese methodology differed some what from that of Ottoman since Portugal used Armed Trader techniques and Ottoman trade was conducted with less firepower and more diplomacy...
And there are Island nations in the Indian Ocean that did request to purchase Ottoman Cannons etc.

Video style educational techniques have developed a long way in the last two decades... The above reference is an excellent and vey quick way to bring up the facts in a clever graphic technique I would reccommend to members.

The fact that the Ottomans spoke arabic must surely have placed them at an advantage and the fact that they didnt force local ships traders to purchase Trade Licences may be taken into account.

I base the main difference on the spoken arabic ...trader language at the forefront of why Ottoman designs would be likely to have been the order of the day...not Portuguese.

Excessive levels of cruelty may have been a disadvantage as weilded by Portuguese against local inhabitants is well documented but I have not described that here.

From my viewpoint it, the Jstor documant, shines a light on a subject I knew so little about but emphasises one very important factor for which I thank the Jstor article in my previous reference ...That of the vital Cultural reason behind trade in The Indian Ocean ..That of the Lingua Franka of the spoken arabic language common right across the region

. It was this common trading lingo which formed the framework for friendly trade relations and one which I believe strongly influenced design flow in weapons ...In this case from the PALLASCH of the Ottomans to the various NIMCHA described in the Buttin Charts.

A note here to quickly frame the influence on North African coastal and Morroccan Nimcha developed separately since the Meditteranean was really only on the Ottoman doorstep compared to the massive distances around the Indian Ocean and its tributaries of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf...not to mention the Bay of Bengal and all stations onward almost to China...

But again I need to emphasise the Jstor document as illustrating the CULTURAL reason of the spoken arabic as vital to understanding the growth in Trade and thus the acceptance of weapon design and is why we see PALLASCH HILT form above at post 31...and on arabian nimchas....shown on Buttins charts etc.

In observing the added net effect of the spread of Islam across the Indian Ocean and beyond plus the pilgrim routes too and from Mecca also spread similar forms of design flow and very similar designs in Dress, Jewellery, Food style, Houses, Mosques and Fortress style, Ship design, Poetry, Song and Dance, and now underpinned by these disclosures similarity in weapons design.

Peter Hudson.

Last edited by Peter Hudson; 20th February 2024 at 04:28 AM.
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