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Old 4th January 2024, 08:32 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Oliver Pinchot View Post
It isn't Armenian, though some of the characters are similar to Armenian, also to Russian. They were likely intended to seem like a foreign inscription, rather than any particular meaning per se.

This work was done in the general region of N. Iran, possibly Azarbaijan, after 1900. It was most likely made for the Shi'ite Ashura.
Спасибо Оливер Пинчот
Каджарское происхождение предмета очень интересная версия, но надпись опровергает эту версию. По мнению экспертов имитация любого другого шрифта на персидском предмете каджарского периода абсолютно исключена.
В ходе своих поисков, я пришел к выводу, что предмет нужно рассматривать в комплексе. На нем слишком много неопознанных и противоречивых элементов. Возможно, разгадка будет найдена если будет найден подобный меч.
По надписи – текст повторяется, похоже на некое заклинание.

Thanks Oliver Pinchot
The Qajar origin of the object is a very interesting version, but the inscription refutes this version. According to experts, imitation of any other script on a Persian object from the Qajar period is absolutely impossible.
During my search, I came to the conclusion that the subject needs to be considered in its entirety. There are too many unidentified and contradictory elements on it. Perhaps the answer will be found if a similar sword is found.
According to the inscription, the text is repeated, it looks like some kind of spell.
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