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Old 22nd December 2023, 01:09 PM   #29
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Sanibel Florida
Posts: 104


I should probably apologize for shorting his name… David Schmidt and his wife were/are prolific blade collectors and David was a longtime forum member. I didn’t get to know him, but am grateful for the time and passion he put into his collection. I do have several pieces that once belonged to David. Like several other longtime collectors here on the forum, David contributed to the preservation of both the art and culture embedded in these pieces of history.

From what I have been able to glean from the forum, David was willing to share thoughts, theories and insight along with significant resources to ensure a continued expansion in understanding and honoring the legacy that each piece embodies.

I’m personally thankful for those like Shelley M, Gavin, Chris C, and Erik F that have been willing to not only pass on fabulous pieces to me, but more importantly share their expertise, wisdom and knowledge with me. IMHO those of you that have shared here are incredible.

With that said Merry Christmas and here are a couple more “Kampili”… nod to Gavin.

Also here is a pretty good piece with situations for those interested. I hope the link works.
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