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Old 29th October 2023, 05:17 PM   #29
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Your online search skills have always amazed me, much in the way that Keith has always been a super sleuth in primary research! I walk among giants

This is a perfect example of how the 'schiavona' has become regarded as one of the Border Reivers edged weapons, and how these 'Germanic' basket hilted swords became a facilitating factor in the evolution of 'British' basket hilts.

It has been well established that the 'basket hilt' was in use in primary forms in England as evidenced by the "Mary Rose' examples of the 16th century, but how these evolved into the Highland basket hilt seems likely to have degree of catalyst via these Border regions.

The generally held theory has always been that the Highland basket hilt (Irish hilt termed in period) owed its inspiration to the northern 'Germanic' short, stout hangers (dusagge, Sinclair et al) which were often with these developed , 'caged' hilts. This was based on the fact that Scottish mercenaries were often on campaign on retainer in many European regions.
This notably also gave us the Gaelic term 'turcael' (=cf. Turkish) for the curved blades occasionally on basket hilts, inspired by the curved sabers of 'Turkish' form in the campaigns in East Europe.

Victorian arms writers even presumed that due to the 'caged' effect of the fully developed basket hilts similar to schiavona, this presumed the possible inspiration came from Italy. This theory was of course defeated (Blair, 1980) by the fact that the 'trellis' construction of the schiavona was quite different than the shield and saltire of British basket hilts. This of course I have described in my earlier posts, but wanted to reiterate here.

However, the connection may be in degree reconsidered in that these 'Germanic schiavona' basket hilts of 16th century, which indeed influenced the basket hilt in Great Britain, equally seems to have lent to the likely evolution of the schiavona (proper) in Italy. Actually the 'root' for the schiavona has always been deemed from the simple S guard swords of Hungary which were prevalent in Croatia. The Croatians were of course diplomatically aligned with Venice, where the ultimate development of the schiavona independently evolved.

I like the writing (and thinking) of the writer in the link re: the 'hanger' formerly in the Border Reivers museum (c.1560) and his notes on the 'Maltese cross' on the pommel. The cross hatch is missing on one arm of the cross, and he 'dares' (contrary to academic convention) to offer the suggestion of 'hidden meaning' in that deliberate omission, noting the 'fanciful' nature. This is a term I have become notably familiar with in many such suggestions I have offered over the years in investigating markings and motifs.

The important notes on the etymological connections with hanger/whinger (various spellings) are well placed as these terms (as well as cutlass') are often used interchangeably in period records, accounts and references.
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