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Old 27th September 2023, 01:28 AM   #3
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Kytlice, Czech Republic
Posts: 19
Default More details on the Klewang

Hello everyone, thanks for thinking with me, suggesting directions and searches. I bought the klewang and today it was delivered at my daughters house in the Netherlands. (I live in the Czech Republic and all buys from Dutch auctions I have delivered at my daughters; I either pick it it up when we are in the Netherlands or they bring it along when they come over here). She was able to take some more pictures, take measures and weight. First of all, it is heavier than most of the other klewangs (964 grams) while the hilt basket is made up of only 1mm steel (Most other ones have around 1.7 mm thickness). The sheath is made of very thin leather and weighs only 64 grams! On this sheath there is a very interesting stamp (See picture) If the letter type used is "Times new Roman" Than the stamp says: " Pol Plg and on the next line Nr 390" If it is Dutch, it could be an abbreviation or "Politie Ploeg" in Dutch "plg" is very common for Ploeg. This would mean "Police Team" No idea if "Pol Plg" can lead to something else in another language. Please see the pictures, hope they make sense to someone. Kind regards, Ron
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