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Old 28th June 2006, 04:29 PM   #26
Vikingsword Staff
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That's not a rant , it's a legitimate gripe !
We have the same basic knife carry rules in Massachusetts as you do over in old Jolly .
These rules vary from state to state though ; for instance in Florida it's open season guns and all ! A rude gesture in traffic could get you your head blown off .
We are indeed a country of contrasts ; even in Mass. it's not too hard for an average small town bloke to get a concealed carry permit . I don't really see this as a particularly bad thing provided the bearer is sane .

Recently we had a fellow over to fix some furniture my Wife bought (imagine wasting your money on furniture when there are so many deserving swords out there looking for a home) ; to make a long story even longer I engaged him in conversation as he enjoyed the swords he had seen ; we got around to talking about guns and laws etc. and he says "here, check this out" and proceeds to pull out of his front pocket a beautiful little S&W revolver . He unloaded it and let me check it out ; "nice piece" says I "how did you ever get a permit to carry concealed" he says "it's the best thing to do when you go for your firearms ID. card ; go for the whole 9 yards , might as well before they clamp down."
Truer words were never said .

Freedoms ; use 'em or lose 'em .
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