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Old 11th June 2023, 09:11 AM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 1,245

Alan, I completely agree, without Dietrich Drescher Ki Yoso and Ki Djeno wouldn't start to make Keris again.

I very well am aware of the meaning of the name Yosocurigo. With family lineage I meant the lineage of Empu family.

I am not sure this name was given by Kraton Jogja. There is a misconception Supowinangun was Empu of Kraton - he wasn't, he was Empu of Kepatihan and his sons were Empu by family descent. I know of no rank given to Yoso by Kraton.

We all know Pak Jimmy very well.

The American - was he sporadically contributing to this Forum a time ago?
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