Thread: Old steel
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Old 9th June 2023, 01:31 PM   #6
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I tentatively launched this query in the hope that someone with specialist knowledge might be able to clarify. In response to issues raised so far.

1 Yes all objects are to a degree radioactive from natural sources . Average in UK about 3 MSV/ Hr but this varies a lot . Radiation from rocks like granite and other naturally occurring sources.

2. My understanding is that radiation in steel is introduced in the manufacturing process , either as a consequence of the process itself or contamination from other sources. Steel cannot acquire radiation through being exposed to sources of radiation, accept under exceptional circumstances like being at the epicentre of an atomic bomb blast.

3. A cheap Chinese Dosimeter claims to be able to measure from 0.00 to 1000 SV/Hr . So in theory any reading above the naturally occurring level of radiation where the test is being performed I would have thought indicate radiation present in the steel itself.

4. Historical levels of radiation in steel can be checked against date nails. Nails with coded heads used by utility companies until the seventies to date tag rail sleepers and poles.
And yes , sad people really do collect them . We are not alone.
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