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Old 27th June 2006, 09:40 PM   #13
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Location: Kansas City, MO USA
Posts: 312
Default Just call me crazy...

If this knife ban truly goes into affect... someone is going to have to give up steak and just have mashed potatoes (unless the masher is on the ban list as well).

It is just my silly opinion...

In Canada, they have spent millions of dollars on registering firearms, with the goal of lowering the crime and murder rate (a good cause). But the result is that the crime and murder rate with firearms has actually increased... not decreased. Why, because criminals don't register their firearms and lawful registration does not stop criminals. It looks like Canada is going to invest its cash in other things beside registration.

Now England wants the good folks to turn in these nasty pointy sticky things... the problem is that only good folks and not criminals will comply with this "turn in " policy. The spin that we get in the end... there's another terrible weapon taken off the street... while grandma turns in her ole steak knife. Well, at least the cow agrees with that.

Aren't they over looking the real issue here, something called personal responsibility? Who is committing the crime, the firearm, the knife or could it be people? Unless we start holding people accountable for what they do and what they do it with... we are going continue to outlaw "harmful" things until we are left with nothing more than running around naked in a padded room (until someone find that harmful too, and at this rate - someone will).
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