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Old 28th May 2023, 05:26 PM   #4
Interested Party
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Default Alemeng vs pedang

This post is a good segue into a question that I have pondered over and not found an answer that puts my mind to rest. I believe I believe this inquiry is very relevant to clarify original post's identification. My sub-inquiry is the differences between a pedang and an alemeng. They can have similar blade construction and profile. The handle can be vaguely similar as well. I am not arguing the attribution, but I am asking for more clarification on the subject in general. I have attached some pictures from A. Ubbe, 3 alemeng and 1 kelewng as well because of its tepak kuda style handle. So, my question is I guess what are the major differences between the Jawa and Sulawesi tool/weapon? I see minor differences in blade profile but enough variation in each region that this doesn't seem easily generalized. Do the alemeng generally have a central ridge on the spine, the few pedang I have seen do. I cannot tell spine thickness from the pictures. Does that typically vary by region? The shape of the sweep of the hilt and pommel seem the major difference that I see. Is the Jawa hulu considered a hoof or tail feathers in shape?
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