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Old 24th May 2023, 08:39 PM   #12
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by milandro View Post
Certainly, the cloth can be disposed of, it is meant to be replaced. Sometimes some kisses have human hair or animal hair instead of cloth. Some people believe this has some spiritual significance linking the kris to the maker or the the owner or someone related to the owner. You could remove the hair and try to re-use it if this is the case but it is your choice.
I have encountered a few keris with hair wrapped around the pesi in the past. My own approach in these cases is to replace that hair, though i do always preserve it in a special container. I do believe the purpose of using human hair is indeed an attempt to form a bond between the owner and the keris. But that person is no longer the owner of the keris, i am. So in my view it is not a bond i would wish to keep activated.
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