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Old 23rd May 2023, 01:03 AM   #24
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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Jasper, I forgot to thank you sincerely for finding the example of this sword in the Rijksmuseum collection. I know it took you a lot of work to track it down!

I am contemplating perhaps removing the old red primer/paint/stain on this old blade. I originally left it in place thinking that perhaps it was original to the piece to act as a retardant to rusting (i.e.japanning), which is seen on some naval swords. Now that I think the stain/primer was put on later, I think I might remove it to see the blade in its originality. Unfortunately, someone sharpened the edge in modern times (to a shiny steel surface) and I just added a little brown pain to the edge to cover it. If I clean it up, the resharpening will show. So...opinions as to if I should remove the brown primer? Also, suggestions of what solvent to use that won't hurt the blade? Thanks in advance!
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