Thread: Aceh peudeueng
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Old 17th April 2023, 11:54 PM   #4
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Thanks Detlef and Rick!

Originally Posted by Rick View Post
I have one of these; it's a bit different; the fullering is simpler than your example Werecow. My example has a very nice pillow around the base of the hilt to protect the wielder's hand, it is red, darkened with age and the surface is quite beautiful richly embroidered with flowers etc.
Sorry to hear about your camera mishap! But looking forward to seeing your example once your new camera arrives. Yours sounds a lot like the one in the ethnography museum (although I think yours is fancier as I don't recall the museum's being embroidered). I stopped by there today hoping to take a picture for this thread, but it's apparently closed on Monday. I'm heading there next week with my neighbor, though, so I'll take some pictures then.
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