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Old 12th April 2023, 06:24 AM   #10
Vikingsword Staff
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Thanks again for the etymology of that blade type. Very helpful.

You note that the weapon/blade is called Ibanumbali. I see the prefix Iban in that word and it brings to mind the Iban people of Borneo, also known as Sea Dyaks to English-speaking colonials. The Iban were part of the pirate groups that swarmed the southern China Sea, and others included the Iranun from Mindanao, who were closely related to the Maranao and Maguindanao groups.

I'm wondering whether the Iban in Ibanumbali has a connection to the Iban people of Borneo, and that the weapon/blade has something to do with them (perhaps introduced via the Iranun who would have had direct contact with them). I know that sounds convoluted, but it is a thought that came to mind on seeing the term that you used.
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