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Old 16th March 2023, 11:25 PM   #7
Maj-Biffy Snodgrass
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Posts: 66

I am new here but have been watching the forum since it started way back, so hello to all who are serious collectors and enthusiasts.
I may have a little something to add now and then having many years of experience under my belt, & I will try to keep within the rules of the forum.
Here we go, and I likely will not be mentioned in despatches for this but heh I need an intro so will fire away.
Your all powerful kris - paper knife is something that someone has made up from the sheath - scabbard of a pair of European likely German brass needlework scissors, ... or did you pay hard cash for this and get yourself well and truly ripped off.
The guard, ... lord only knows what was used to make this abomination, it could be from any amount of scrap metal items, the blade appears to be a reshaped and self styled recently made Pakistan Damascus steel, likely not even edge tempered.
The resin glue that has been used to create this fake item of no interest or worth to any serious enthusiast is visible between the guard and the hilt, showing that this is a recently knocked up knife made from bits and pieces of totally uninteresting and married parts that have nothing in kind with each other.
If you had the scissors to go with the scissors sheath - scabbard, then you likely would have interest from any amount of people on a needlework forum, but is this item of any interest to the serious collectors and antique edged weapons enthusiasts, likely not.. hope that helped. Maj-Biffy Snodgrass.

Last edited by Lee; 17th March 2023 at 02:32 PM. Reason: minimum necessary editing to comply with forum rules
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