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Old 13th January 2023, 04:29 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 18
Default Interesting German style plug bayonet with British motto

Here is an plug bayonet that may be of interest. In styling, it is Germanic early to mid 18th century. The inscription is very interesting. Engraved on each side of the blade are the coat of arms of George II and the motto, Vivat Georg II Rex Britanae. So what is a German plug bayonet doing with a British engraving? Of course there were many connections between England and several German states in the 18th century. But there is a very intriguing connection between Hesse-Kassel and George II.

The Hesse Kassel Army museum has a similar plug bayonet with different engraving. Their example is engraved to Friederich II Landgraff zu Hesse. There was a Landgrave Frederick II of Hesse-Kassel born 1720, Died 1785. Frederick was married to Princess Mary of Great Britain. She was the daughter of George II. It is quite possible that this plug bayonet belonged to a member of her household. Or perhaps was a gift from Mary to a relative back in England. Frederick was famous for providing Hessian mercenaries to his father in law for his wars. Including fighting the pesky traitors in America. The possible connections are fun to think about although we will never know for sure.
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