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Old 21st November 2022, 05:48 AM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 194

hello drabant hello ariel,
I hope that we will perhaps get a few more opinions from our members who specialize in Indian weapons.
Ariel, what you're saying sounds logical and I also know reports that the Indian sword dealers allegedly assembled weapons especially for Figel, because they knew what he was looking for. are these swords worth less then? I don't think so, unless it was a conscious deception! it was already read in earlier threads that blades and handles were sometimes stored separately in Indian armories and if you read the last two books
"rajput arms and armour"
From Robert Elgood's point of view, there are many examples of unmounted high-quality sword blades that have been stored in the Raja's armory.
unfortunately i don't know the weight of this katare from the figel collection. i can only orientate myself by the looks and the masses and therein lies a similarity with the katar i presented.
I think I can anticipate that I am of the opinion that the katar shown here is not from the 18th century. originates. he should be at the end of the 19th century at the earliest. to have been made...
they are probably really real pieces for the wall or the display.., or just for the oriental room as it was at the end of the 19th century. was very fashionable among rich people in europe or america.

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